Tell me how you like spend your freetime?
How much time do you spend for watching TV?
Do you have a favorite channel?What do you think of commercials?
What is more untertaing watching a film a TV or DVD?
How can you improve your English watching TV?
Tell me about teh public transport a Budapest?
How much time do you spend travelling per day?
Have you got a monthly ticketm what are the advantages of it?
What advice would you give ti visitors about local traffic?
Nyári munka
What is the idea l summer job for teenagers?Have you ever worked in summer?
What was it, what did you have to do?
What would you like...
If you wanted to fine a job now, what would you do?
What are the benefit of taking a job as well as studying?
Étteremben angol baráttal, össze kell dobni egy kaját. El kell mondani, hogy mi található a kajában, hogyan kell megcsinálni.
Régi és új telefon, előny, hátrány, milyen van neked, ma mi a jobb és ilyenek.